Wow….. It’s raining outside…… Who don like rain unless until it fall on your head…?
Rain is god’s gift to us. Mostly kids will enjoy the rain most. It helps to peasants. It gives water resources and mainly power. Everyone loves rain. It showers us. Its gives great climate. BUT………….
Could anyone enjoy the rain in Chennai????? Ho god. Even with umbrellas people used to get fully drenched in the rain. The worst part, why people scared about rainy season especially in Chennai is the roads during rain. Almost shit. No one can walk in th4 road unless he is expertise in circus shows. We can get free shower from the sky as well from the roads. Yes. Guys don’t search the swimming pools on the summer. You can get freely on the roads of Chennai in rainy seasons. Everywhere you can find swimming pools. Our road construction is great. The roads can withstand at least one day rain u know.
Simply the government offers you a free demo on how farmers working on their field (I mean you have to walk in the muddy field. Hey a real time village experience. You can make holy colors in your pants. Enjoy it yaar.
Two wheeler drive
If you ride the two wheeler u never where is fall or where is up. Everything is under water. So you have to swim carefully with your bike. The same time you have one privilege. That is you can present the colorful water to pedestrians. You can color up their dress and make them wet by your speed in the bike. Great advantage right?? The same time u can’t go much speed in the bike because flood. So the accident risk is reduced. Even though you tried to be fast, you can be cini hero by siding your bike in flat road.And you can donate thousands of bucks to hospitals. Come on yaar. You can utilize your medi claim. The same time, if drive very slow engine will be off because water coolness. So driving bike is so skillful work in Chennai rain.
Car Drive

The unlucky people. They can’t wet their legs in beautiful pools of Chennai. Their dresses will same with out any modern art by nature. These people having great advantage as they can shower the ugly ground water to pedestrians as well as bike riders. You are well set to show your driving speed skills in roads now. They have only one positive point with them. They can spend more times in the road than anyone else. Yes. Due to rain you can see only half of the road. That too queued by lot bikes and buses. So you can dive only as slowly as possible. you can enjoy sights of Chennai at the mean time. Even you can fill a sudoku in hindu. Believe me you have more time for that in current traffic. The people can learn how tortoise is can move.This is the best time to learn all those things and improve their patience.
To all
All of us have chance to donate our blood. Yes. Due to rain, you can see crores of mosquitoes on your street. So you can donate litresof your blood to them. The same time you are too genius to know what are all the new diseases in the world now. You can fill the doctors wallet.
Thanks to government for offering us great roads and great experiences. Poor people cursing the rain. Otherwise when they will get these type of experiences.
Finally yes I love the rain most before I come to Chennai.