First thanks to Goutham menon for keeping a nice thamizh name for his movie.
Movie is not yet released. So far now, I became great fan of the songs. Especially three songs.
U can find pure thamizh lyrics in 5 out of 6 songs. Its great thing in current cinema. That too the music behind the lines. Note the words.Music behind the lines. Because in most of the songs we were able to hear only music and in between few lines. But in this movie, the music is added for the songs. Its agreat thing. We can enjoy the meaning of the songs. I really admire the music and the ppl who written the lyrics. Its great compostion.
1. Adiye kolluthe---
I am hearing sruthi haasan’s different voice. May be this is melody, but it came in different tone.The lyrics did the great part behind this song’s success.
2. Mundhinam paarthene
The fantastic lines. The proposal made me admire.i heard this song atleast 100 times.
3. Nenjukkul peidhidum maamazhai
No review is needed for this song. No one can hear this song without melting for it. Its really great composition of music and lyrics. It is so romantic. I love this song like anything.
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